Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Too Much

I've been under stress and listless today, feeling tired but under pressure too. After some thought I conclude that this is down to not having clear goals for the day. When I used to develop computer games I'd make a plan for the month, then a plan for each week, then for each day, and stick to the plans irrespective of how I felt. My "feelings" were to complete the plan. Doing anything not on the plan caused stress. It was that simple.

Recently I've been more loose regarding time management, and art is different to the computer work I knew so well in that the time and effort involved in a particular job is more difficult to predict. Today I wanted to plan a picture but stopped half way, deciding to start on another which I thought was more impressive. Then I decided to do something else, then a bit of something else. Nothing was finished adequately and I ended up feeling tired and frustrated.

As a result of today I'll re-examine my goals for November. Some good solid goals are needed.