A painting day but I decided to ignore my plan of starting work on The Apocalypse Of Finance, and instead chose to work on a few smaller works starting with the related Financial Circumstances which is about financial collapse. After that I might start on The Lightning Of Creation which should also take about two days to underpaint. Then I'll work on "Perfection" again and then start some glazing because I already have a large number of underpaintings to work on and it's high time I finished something.
It's nearly the end of May yet my 2009 gallery is looking rather sparse. That is an inevitable consequence of my plan to design in winter and paint in summer, a plan looking increasingly flawed because life energy comes with the long days as well as mere light to paint by. I'm finding it as tedious to paint now and not create, as I found it frustrating to create but not paint over the winter.
I can write the occasional poem while painting though and I've decided to win the national poetry competition this year which is a surprise for me, because I've only entered once before and I wasn't at all very good at writing poetry then, but my poems can vary in quality and just recently they seem to be much better than before. I've written two good ones so far. I've also decided not to publish my poems online from now on. Many competitions forbid it, and a future publisher might not like it either.