Monday, July 05, 2010


I've had several long days and today was spent largely resting due to sheer exhaustion. The art preview on Friday night was good, and followed by a rare but fun trip to the pub, then a party on Saturday led to a day of film-making on Sunday which was exhausting and frustrating but it had to be done.

This afternoon I primed a new surface, some sheets of M.D.F. taken from a wardrobe and donated to me for use as backing boards. These are plastic laminated on one side but very smooth on the other. The surface primed very well and I've decided to use one for my Bird Orbiting a Black Hole painting, a simple picture that should be relaxing to paint, but not so taxing that I'll worry about the testing of this new substrate.

I've been so overwhelmed recently that I've not felt able to think creatively at all, but I've been making technical changes to my procedures that will improve future paintings. I'm always thinking of changes that will make future tasks easier, and my "Spells For Artists" file, which notes in detail my step-by-step procedures for drawing, painting, varnishing, framing, and everything else, constantly evolves.

Finally I recently received the invites for The Oneiric Image exhibition in August. I'll post the image and invite anyone nearby to attend the preview.

Oh and finally again; my cat painting has arrived in America. Woohoo! Thanks to Susan and the ASAP people.