Sunday, June 30, 2019

Birmingham and Musing

A trip to Birmingham today to collect my painting form the R.B.S.A. after the Prize Exhibition. They had stuck the wall label onto the glass, a cheap paper label that stuck and tore and needed solvent to remove it. If it had been the Madonna with its perspex, the painting would have needed re-glazing.

Also done my quarterly backups, a day in advance. I like to keep external backups of everything, monthly, quarterly and annually on different drives, and tend to note which files or projects need backing up. It takes a while every so often, but is useful. So many people rely on the internet for everything now but I can't afford that, and there are pros and cons with each option.

Now, to look forward to a week and month. I listened to my music again earlier and cringed at how bad it sounded. I can go through phases of thinking things are good, then thinking the same things are bad. With digital work, we can at least work at it. The solution is to clearly identify what is bad, and how it can be fixed. Logic and reason are the solutions to every misaligned feeling. Everything rational, reasonable, worked out and calculated.

I must reset, clean, re-plan, order, organise. the more we make, the more things need to be ordered neatly and perfectly. A good filing system for life is essential, to combat the clutter of reality. I wish I had a house of my own and didn't struggle for money constantly, but then, the struggle is motivation in itself. I've never felt contentment, and perhaps to feel it would be a form of useless stability; pleasant perhaps, but no good for the world or anyone. Kierkegaardians take note! Angst is energy.