Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today I scanned in my painting Annunciation which is a cross between Van Eyck's Annunciation and the Kandinsky below. Can you see the connections?

In other news I went to my art group today. It's rather full now and we're discussing limits. I think it's too full as it is really, with a split now between morning and afternoon visitors that essentially means we can't choose to attend either or both; there's not enough room, and places have to be set and stuck to. Ideally there would be the odd free table to allow for some flexibility. Ten people in a room is a nice number. Thirty is a bit less social.

I drew a portrait there, a silent film star called Marion Davies. I've painted a few plain portraits before and they have all sold so I'll paint this for that purpose, but like the others, I'll paint other variations that are more creative, all using the same underdrawing so I can save time.