Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Tracing today! And the transfer of the Quest For Pity painting, one for which I have foreseen great things. Using oil paint on the tracing paper has worked well, and is best scrubbed very thinly. Almost none transfers onto the canvas accidentally, even when leaning on it quite hard, yet it transfers exactly on the lines using an embossing scribe. I need to find a smaller, tiny weeny scribe though. This smallest one is still a bit big, despite the ball on the end being approx 0.6mm diameter, and this makes the lines much thicker than when transferring drawings onto a panel. I'm using Schoellershammer 92gsm tracing paper on a roll. I reasoned that thinner paper would curl less, and it has, although tracing paper is so hygroscopic that wrinkling is always a problem. The sheet I used notably expanded overnight making the lines inaccurate by morning.

I was anxious two days ago and wanted to draw a peaceful scene to calm me. Instead I drew this:

It's a cowering rabbit, and a door closed over a peaceful landscape. It seems that peace was closed! After that I drew a hand holding a tree that was springing greens so some progress was made. I'd like to paint both but tick tick tick! Time is so short. Perhaps I'll paint a quick idea today on this glorious sunfilled day, the first of a new spring towards a golden age.