Monday, December 04, 2006


I've been updating Bytten over the last couple of days. Next I'm back to artwork and hope to plan a few more paintings to paint next year. I'm unlikely to start any in this dark season. I've spotted a new football competition though, although they don't return the entries. What sort of artist would paint something that will ultimately be lost/destroyed? That would be torture and I probably wouldn't enter an original even if winning was guaranteed. A commission might be on the cards too, although I don't really know the details and have heard the information third hand. An old workmate of my fathers wanted him to paint a biblical fresco at a local church and it's possible that I could do it instead. I suspect that if I did it would take me as long as Leonardo took to paint the last supper. Part of me would love to try a spectacular scene in the Italian Renaissance style though, and I feel confident of doing it better than anyone else.