Today I designed the layout and posters for my May exhibition at Sevens of Macclesfield. I also finalised the layout for the Crewe Hall exhibition in April and designed the poster for The Love Symphony Performance. I designed a good frame today by pouring plaster over it and dimpling it with a ploythene sheet. When dry it looked a bit like mountain rocks, which was the aim. It cracked somewhat as I dried it. I'm undecided whether to coat it with epoxy resin to reinforce it, or use acrylic media which would be less strong but colour the plaster in a less shiny way (paint over epoxy doens't always wrok brilliantly). Within a week I will found a book publishing business.
I'm reading Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes after listening obsessively to A Curious Feeling by Tony Banks. Both things are lovely and inspiring. My emotions are Sirius B and my mind is Sirius A, and the thin stream of matter that flows from one to the other is vaporous and convoluted enough to spare me too much sadness, I have never experienced depression, or too much happiness either, yet that tentacle of matter is as sensitive as any nerve ending. The tentacle connected during a fantastic and emotionally overwhelmingly lovely dream that occured on the 25th of September 2008. Before then I didn't really require emotions. This book makes me wonder if it would be wise or foolish to feel the burning radiation of Sirius B more strongly. I feel blessed.
Enough introspection for now. This must be my greatest year, and indeed, it is already. I'm blessed to have it. I'm blessed to have even today, this great day. This book also convinces me that I must write a novel.