Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Except For The Hatred and Falling Apart Vocals, IndieSFX Music

More vocal recording today, new vocals for Except For The Hatred. I naturally sang the higher notes here without the falsetto present in the 2020 version, my voice is that much stronger, though there's still room for growth here. I rather liked the falsetto sound though, so will use that as before.

Finally, work on Falling Apart Again.

The album is nearly done in this stage, but needs further mixing which is hampered by my deafness. I must wait.

In other news, I've deleted the music sales part from IndieSFX. I licenced one or two tracks a decade or more ago, but nothing since those Share-It days and now this sort of electronic music is easily done by machine, or by a myriad of cheap or free composers. The market for this is as dead as that for paper piano rolls. The music I wrote for it remains pretty good, and the majority of tracks were never licenced or used by anyone at all. I could publish or use it elsewhere. 'Shadows' was/is indeed part of The Flatspace Soundtrack, and the Oldfield 1 tunes represent a unique source of inspiration.