Two full days of work on SFXEngine. I found and fixed a couple of bugs, including one that was part of Prometheus too and concerned with not liberating memory structures when a song is cleared. I can't work out why it should have caused SFXEngine to fail. Old structures should still be automatically replaced on the fly, though it is correct that these should be freed when a project is closed.
I've toyed around with a new logo. It's a pain to remake all of the Steam graphics, there are 10 to so images per product and 15 or so products, not including the new sound packs, but Steam's standards have upgraded the resolution so perhaps I'll have to do it one day anyway, and a new major version is a good reason for a new logo and icon. Here it is:
Yesterday evening I went with Linda, Yuri, and my mum, to the Castle Park Open Preview.
A highly eclectic show. Most of the work was a typical country painter's fayre of animals, landscapes, with work from complete beginners to professional artists. Only about 10% of the work was particularly imaginative or 'challenging', but a few works caught my eye. I noted that the prices were probably lower than 15 years ago when I first started exhibiting. It was nice to meet a few artist friends, and to see work by others I knew like Marc Turner and Janice Lazzarich.
I slept badly, with stomach pain and the recurring ear-ache. A productive day today, finalising SFXEngine and creating a new sound pack to be part of the new distribution. I had hoped to finish everything today, but the final filing and completion of the upgrade will extend into tomorrow. More work will be done on this in December. I'll dart to other jobs in the new week.