A slow day, slow slow slow! I filed the sheet music for The Dusty Mirror, preparing for its public release on release day, and this evening filed the 'Johann Strauss Blues' music, though I can't complete the admin on this yet.
In the day I updated Flatspace to v1.14 with the bug fix I recently applied to Flatspace IIk, and added a new plugin to Prometheus: 'Randy Sample II', which plays a sample with random pitch, start time, amplitude, and initial delay. I also tested a new backup USB stick for the MODX, and can confirm that the name of the stick is what the MODX7 uses as its identifier.
I've done a few other minor filing duties, like correct version numbers of software, and updated and contributed to the Flatspace 3 design document.
I need to work next on the Fall in Green music next. I must remind myself of the shortness and preciousness of life, health, ability.
I've spent 7 weeks working on The Dusty Mirror, and many months in 2020 before that on it. Future generations may ask why. I have no record contract, or external party willing me on or paying me. I have little hope of selling the work in any way, the only financial reward would be a few scant drips of streaming royalties. Good or bad, I doubt the music will be popular or acclaimed; I don't particularly want or like acclaim or applause. I am my own best and worst critic, and have never much believed or paid attention to the opinions of others regarding my work - this I perhaps learned from my parents, who either harshly criticised everything for ludicrous reasons, or paid no attention to anything I did. This made me immune to trying to please others. I have learned a lot while working. I've become a better singer, player, composer and producer. This is a key motivation: doing what's new to grow and be better as an artist and person; but perhaps the key reason for creating this album (and all of my music) is because it is my job to create. As an artist-scientist, I feel it is my duty to humanity to create, and to push myself to create my best work, to do the best I can. It is my life's purpose to contribute to global culture, and to enhance my own life and abilities by pushing myself to be better, as a person, and in skill and ability as a creator. It is the creators hallowed job to fulfil his potential in a way in which those trammelled by society cannot.