Thursday, January 02, 2025

SFXEngine DLC and Flatspace IIk Bugs

Today, preparing the store descriptions and images for the up and coming SFXEngine DLC, this was lots of work.

Then, work fixing a bug in Flatspace IIk, which had mysterious crashes. The bug didn't occur in my version, only the Steam version. I updated the Steam SDK to the latest version and the bug seems to have vanished - all good!

But, terribly, I found another bug which has proven to be harder to track down. A save game I have been sent has a mysterious mine floating in space. An analysis of the scene has proved that an orphan mine sprite is present in the scene, not attached to an active shot, but I can't find any circumstance why or where this may happen. Leaving a sector will wipe all shots, as will saving or quitting the game, and wiping all shots will always wipe the sprites attached to the shots. It's clear that the shots are being deallocated, but somehow the sprite has remained.

Once active, the sprite will remain forever, as only the shot ending its life would erase it.

This triviality is driving me mad and distracting me from more important work.

I must battle onwards.