Completed the 'Norman Bates' video yesterday, adding an animated glow layer which included some mysterious clouds.
Then started some cursory update work on SFXEngine. I wanted to add the ability to move Environments up and down, but forgot that the main sound buffers were stored only in the top-most Environment. I postponed the fix until today. I dashed to town, hearing that flu vaccines were available, but when I arrived they had run out. I returned to a note requesting 10 copies of books for the Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries for Neorenaissance and How To Organise Your Computer Files, so I ran around packaging these and preparing this important shipment.
I charged into SFXEngine upgrades today, and added several small features. Testing was complete by 15:00. All is ready for an upgrade prior to the Sound Pack launch.
After that, I uploaded the 'Norman Bates' video, and prepared all of the videos for release at the correct time. It's taken about 7 weeks, to remaster The Dusty Mirror. Much more work than I anticipated, at least half of this was video work, although the music too took more consideration. Of course, Christmas, and other jobs like the Fall in Green music and Flatspace programming got in the way too.
I could promote this more, but as ever, any work on it will steal time from new projects.