Saturday, June 08, 2024

Open Mic, Excessive Consumption

Last night's Open Mic event was as enjoyable as all are. The force of energy that is Andy Stubbs (always the outstanding artist, his performance of The Shadows' Apache made the original seem tired and twee), and brilliant guitarist and host Dan Toft stood out, with a performer of Beatles covers also giving a professional performance. Apart from Deb's (ours as Fall in Green) and mine, all of the performances were covers. It was a late night, finishing at 23:45 or so, which with a 12.5 mile journey home somewhat takes the shine off these events; but we will be back.

Today was spent on admin for the next A Drive Through The Town single, with its new B-Side. I needed to finalise the music and design a cover today. For this I used my 'Aspartame' painting.

I've done most of the admin for this today, but there's probably half-a-day's worth of work left. That can wait.