Saturday, June 29, 2024

Portents, Art Competitions

A slower day yesterday. Listed more paintings on the Saatchi website, and completed the underpainting to Portents Of Desire.

I looked back on some of the many (100 or so) unfinished, half completed, or destroyed paintings.

I remember this 3D portrait, perhaps I thought I could do better, or was unhappy with some aspect. Artistically, it's something of a showcase, with a nod to M. C. Escher.

There was also this, 'Saint Andrew Punishing The Sinner', which was a large work on MDF. The result looks too computer generated and artificial. I put months of work into this, back then, and worked on two versions.

I'm better able to complete both works today, though they'd probably be very different.

Today, a day of art photography of new paintings to enter into a couple of competitions. I wanted to enter The Love Reliquary II into the Royal West of England Academy Open, but after paying to submit was informed than works prior to 2020 were ineligible; annoying, especially when The Love Reliquary was hardly shown to anyone when it was completed. I've lot of great art which is unseen and not exhibited, and not eligible for exhibition unless I organise it all myself. It's hardly the case that The Love Reliquary is of its time; it is an anachronism in art terms.

I entered the equally good painting 'When This Is All Over'. This might be my last entry into the R.A., R.W.A., R.B.S.A., for some time. Passing the gatekeepers is difficult and expensive, and I can't afford (and have no incentive, beyond artistic duty and the hope of a sale) to keep trying.

I'm full of painting ideas and there are many opportunities around. I'll probably enter more art events this year than any since 2020. Onwards we stride.