Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cat Covid Video Work

Two days of work on the Cat Covid video. A slower day yesterday, I filmed a few sequences and noted down the song structure and frame-count.

I gradually came up to speed today, starting with monthly backups, then charging into video work. This will expand upon the Argus and live-action combination videos of 'Frans Hals' and 'AI And Celebrity'. The first used masks to insert live action into specific screen areas. The second video did this too, but had an additional top layer which overlayed the first to make those areas glow.

Cat Covid will build upon this and will have an animated background with video inserts into masked areas, and have a masked top layer too. I may had a third additive layer (making 5 layers in total; background, mask (and video), additive glow, foreground, foreground mask). The final result will look, I expect, something like Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer video, highly animated. This is partly because my video contributions are generally of head-and-shoulders. There are few locations.

So far I've filmed a few scenes of myself as a vet, and the sung parts in my 'Cat Covid' outfit of red shirt and bycocket. I've also filmed some footage of playing the guitar in a striped top, sunglasses, and beret; the look of an archetypical jazz performer. I recorded two takes of that. The latter was closer to the actual music, but the former was more visually interesting, so I've decided to use that take instead.

Much of today was spend slowly building up the animation, pattern by pattern, from the song start. I discovered that the music in Argus didn't play if the track was open in another program, so I've addressed that, and added more features concerning muting tracks. This means I'll have to update the Steam version again.

Lots to do! This video may take me all week.