Saturday, April 11, 2020

More Taskforce, Box Art and Widescreen

A full day of Taskforce work today. I've removed the 'Loading' screen (not necessary now) and created new graphics for Morgane's portrait during the intro, and new box art/main graphics. Here it is so far:

This is a lot better than the old 2004 graphics, here:

I've also created a separate variant for the back of mission briefings.

Lots of other work done. I've speeded up the shots and walking, added new text to the menu (and removed on menu itself). I've played another spider mission. This was fun, and involved a house full of 24 of them! I've also adapted things for widescreen. This is quite a challenge. the easiest option is to adjust the perspective so that the screen generally remains the same irrespective of the screen aspect ratio. The camera needs moving too, to compensate. Some flat items, like fonts, icons and the mouse pointer, need shrinking horizontally to keep them square. Generally this was a lot easier than the Flatspace IIk adaptations, which needed a lot of work due to the complex menus in that game.

Here is the main game screen in square-screen format (1280x1024, actually) and widescreen:

The latter has notably smaller fonts but that can't he helped; if they were bigger, they wouldn't fit vertically. The important thing is that everything* fits in every circumstance; and you'll note the size of the troops is just about the same too.

Most of the changes are complete now, but I might design new icons. The ones there look a bit small for modern screens. I also need a new manual. I expect several more days work yet.

* = famous last words!