Thursday, April 02, 2020

Synaesthesia 2020

A great day of music work. Finalised the work on my last Synaesthesia track; Waltz of the Ghosts. I decided to add some strings; I love working with string arrangements. The trick is to fill these things with melody rather than chords, but I didn't want to go too over the top here because this track is essentially piano solo, inspired, I think, by some of those early Enya tunes.

After that, lots of listening and tweaking to the entire album. This always takes time, but I generally completed the balancing and mixing work during the resequencing process, so that didn't need much work. This final step is about adding polish, the little highlights here and there. Over all the album sounds considerably better than the previous versions, it's by far the best incarnation. I need to listen on headphones to check stereo panning and for other fine details.

I've played with the artwork too, and to add a new dimension to the project added some bright red; giving the whole project a Japanese feeling:

Here is the final track listing. The track that was called The Journey, is now Hell. It was, at one point, called TV Hell, so this moves it back towards its origins:

1. Space Infinity (2:42)
2. The Runner (6:16)
3. Safe House (1:08)
4. Interference (2:31)
5. Refuge (3:31)
6. Termination (3:59)
7. Waltz of the Ghosts (3:02)
8. Hell (0:51)
9. Resurrection (3:41)
10. Islands of Memory (3:35)
11. Epitaph (2:17)

This project, after a mere week, is nearly complete. I'll probably spend a few days tweaking and making changes, then will start work on something new.