Thursday, May 30, 2024

Cat Covid Tuesday, Argus Videos, and v1.39

A great 'Tuesday' performance on Tuesday. I came in early on 'Cat Covid!' and made a few little mistakes, but overall it was fine as a performance, and I was happy with Paul's 'You'll Be The One'. The sound mixing was a little all over the place, which was beyond my control, and my hat hit the mic a couple of times, which I can address.

My performance aside, the rest of the night was really nice. Lots of us stayed behind for 30 mins to an hour, and this social time is an important part of it all. All of the performances were good.

Claire F came to watch, and took some great photos:

I spent yesterday recovering from that late-night high, and programmed a little. I updated Prometheus a bit, to extend the Plugin and Instrument Lists, and updated Argus again after discovering a trivial exploit to the frames/tracks limit. After that, I created a small TikTok Video of Cat Covid, in draft form.

In the evening, I had the first Steam feedback and had to redesign the artwork. I was informed that I had to create some 'gameplay' (actual screen recordings of the program in use) videos. This is a good idea, but I was slightly worried about the technicalities.

I didn't have time to fix these issues. Deb and I went shopping and I found a vet's outfit for 5 to 7 year-olds; which will do for a 'Cat Covid!' video. This is next on my 'to do' list.

I recorded three of the Argus tutorial videos this morning. They were easier than the SFXEngine videos, so all was well. I discovered another (small and easily fixed) Argus bug, so updated it again today to v1.39. The videos are complete. I'm now awaiting the second round of Steam feedback.

One precious day of precious May remains.