Monday, August 09, 2021

Frame Textures

Day 3 of more frame texture experiments. One definite lesson is worth 100 maybes. I've learned a few things, but starting to ghet impatient now. I can imagine that it's easy to become so obsessed with research and the fun of experimentation than one loses sight of the practical aspect. These exeriments are only for making my actual frames with, so have started work on some options for the two paintings that need these frames.

I'll buy the wood tomorrow and start work on Wednesday, I'd like to get these done, but am aware that it takes days or weeks for one frame. Also tomorrow, another full rehearsal for Thursday's Wonderland.

There is so much equipment to bring for this. I feel tired out from a lot of physical running and framing work, there is a lot of wood work involved and moving up and down the stairs a lot. Perhaps I should rest more before this important show. Oh for more time, life, money.