Friday, August 06, 2021

Wonderland, Trips

Such a busy day yesterday. First packing new paintings for a possible future display at the Macc Art Lounge, then a complete Wonderland rehearsal. I re-edited two of the videos, there are 57 including the necessary gaps and stills.

Today, the trip to deliver art and a happy meeting with Ché Finch and Gordon Scott, two of the nicest artists I know. A lot of being an artist is packing and unpacking and carrying. Now I keep paintings packed and wrapped, rather than doing this each time. Before wrapping, I inspect and repair any knocks. A bit of white to repair here:

One thing about acrylic paint is that it is very soluble in solvents, so easy to erase and completely replace.

After the Macc swap, a happy trip to Knutsford Library to inspect our performance space and meet Mike Drew, a true treasure of Cheshire, such a good organiser of events and supporter of artists. We've sold 6 tickets of 30 and need to sell more. Meeting these three people constitutes the most social I've been since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

On we march.