Sunday, December 11, 2022

Cotán and The Laughing Cavalier

Working on two songs, Prometheus seems stable - joy!

The difficulty with both is adding enough emotion. Emotion in music comes from variation in pitch, tempo, volume. All are heavily regularted now. Since the 1980s, the voice has stoof alone as containing almost all of the emotion in song because these variations are present, but in the last two decades even the voice has been rigourously constrained.

Cotán is a boording song, it needs a lot of work on subtle changes in tempo. I've added some marching strings, which sound deliberately electronic, like Kate Bush's in Under Ice, using these rather than drums.

I've also started on The Laughing Cavalier, which is a fun waltz, reminiscent of some of Freddie Mercury's songs, like Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon. I've found a nice synth harpsichord on the MODX and strokes here seemed to fit the music, so this song will be short and simple. I've added a middle section to give it some heart.