Monday, December 12, 2022

Snowdrop, Jiggy Stardust Dream

I went to bed at 10:22, or so, too cold and dark to work late. I woke at 3am and lay I awake. I wrote a poem:

I see cracks of pepper birds
in my mind's sky
yet under this frosted sea
I burn
romancing the snow to cry
and its flakes dream of the ocean
and the crows become angels.

And this morning, updated it:

I see cracks of birds in my mind's sky
yet beneath this frosted down, I burn;
teasing the snow to cry
awake, into an ocean's dream
of crows summer'd into angels.

I remained awake until about 7:30, then slept and dreamt of David Bowie. I was with a man who made sets for music shows, and he was making a new 'rocket' or 'crucifix' like thing for a new Jiggy-Stardust style show. The resulting rig looked like a wooden X or sorts, make from webs of wood like windmill sails, though the two legs parts were closer and had huge firework rockets behind. It was brown and painted with white an orange logo in the centre, where David would stand. He (dressed as Jiggy) climbed up to test it and he loved it. There were a few other people around, other people who were part of the show or crew, as was I. The contraption was in my house, or a larger version of it, where the rooms were huge, much more like artist studio or workshop rooms. I started to watch a version of 'Antz' the 3D animated film, but it was very different and full of startling scenes. In one scene, a train of giant stream trains tore down a London street, smashing through the facades of the white, Georgian buildings. I shouted David to come and see, that he was missing many amazing sights. I rewound the video, but perhaps too far and the train scene didn't seem to appear.

I awoke at 10am to a 12.1 degree room. It's misty today and very cold.