Sunday, March 26, 2023

Meals Glazing, Computer Wakes

First day of glazing Meals of Warm Spring, a difficult day due to lack of sleep and the usual jet-lag and headaches caused by the idiotic 6-monthly ritual of resetting the clocks, a ritual which makes me more ill for longer each time it happens. Painting started badly but I gradually warmed to it.

I became annoyed at the lack of reference images for some parts, but then reasoned that I'm not aiming to paint reality, but what my mind sees. This is a reversal of traditional doctrine - 'draw what you see, not what you think is there' is the mantra to drawing students, but I realised that, for me, the opposite might be better, that photo references may contaminate the reality of my mind, my feelings, my idea. This concept is worth pursuing.

The sleeping computer woke annoyingly as I worked. I banged the easel on the ceiling when I set it up. This bump woke the PC from sleeping. The room heater clicked on due to the thermostat. This woke the PC from sleeping. I dropped my maul stick on the floor with a bump. This woke the PC from sleeping. I ejected a CD from my hi-fi. This woke the PC from sleeping. None of these things were near the computer and should not have any effect on the keyboard, which is the only device permitted to wake the computer. I've now disabled even that. Why a knock halfway across the room should wake the PC is beyond me.