Thursday, March 02, 2023

Welcome Lyric Video

A full day of work making a Lyric video for Welcome to My Gallery. I had thought of simply using the Spotify Canvas, slightly changing the loop for different song sections, but that seemed too easy, and it didn't seem that hard to make a new animation with Argus. Bless Argus! I must sell this at some point. I managed to make the whole film in a few hours today, all thanks to its lovely wonderfulness.

The program did, however, crash for the first time. This is extremely rare, but fortunately it seems reproducible, and happens when deleting/purging unused items, so should be relatively easy to track down. One thing that may hamper adoption for users is that all images must use .dds format images, and the 3D format is even stranger, as only I can use it (and it uses my ancient Visual Basic 6 converter, which makes it even harder for anyone to access). Still, it's rare than you ever need a custom 3D object.

I also fixed the problem with the FFMpeg conversion to libx264 codec formats, which needed to specify the pixel format (-pix_fmt yuv420p). Videos then (and with H.265) play correctly in Windows Media Player. I must test this on the projector too. Perhaps without this it's converting to BGRA format, which is the AviSynth RGB32 format.

I'm exhausted, and must think about how to launch this video; the final details. There are always a few tiny scrappy details. I'm obsessing most now about the exact wording on the lone credits page... Direction & Animation, or Images & Animation, or even just Direction?