Saturday, March 25, 2023

More Martian Roving, Rotoning, Patreon

Another day spent working on Roton and Martian Rover Patrol. Perhaps less frustrating, as I now expected this job to take longer, and I also improved the gameplay and stability of both games.

Martian Rover Patrol plays rather well. The next step now would be to improve the graphics, add more levels or an algorithmic level generator, more enemies (many sorts are possible, we could have inclines or ramps, pits with fire or enemies inside, new aliens, other rovers or even allies), more plot and player interaction (it would be nice to know the name of each planet, or receive an award or more messages at the end of levels)... the list can continue infinitely, but my goal here was to make this old game available, not make a new one.

That said, in the end, I did made a few tweaks to the gameplay. The aliens fire more often and at more interesting angles. The timer is faster too, giving more resolution to the score (though one still can't see the target time until the end of the round).

Overall, I'm happy with both games but ready to move on. I'm awaiting final testing from Andrew. 90% of all of the changes for both games were about system stability and compatibility.

I also set up a Patreon account yesterday and need to consider what to offer patrons. I'm ready now to work on my portrait. I have five days to glaze it before the Ruth Borchard deadline; really, far fewer, as I'd like some drying time before I photograph it.