Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dog Induced Insomnia, Red Cow Night, Choral Ambitions

A somewhat slow and tired day yesterday, being woken at 3:30am by next door's barking dog. I fell asleep again close to 7am before being woken again by the dog at 8:30am. I spent the day preparing Gunstorm and Flatspace, listing songs, largely filing. Then I did a quick play of the music for the night's open mic event at The Red Cow, which we attended with joy and anticipation.

It was a wonderful night, the best open-mic I've attended, both in quality of music and of the audience. Everyone was so supportive of each other and the sound quality was as good as the quality of the acts which included Nigel Stonier, Virginia Kettle from Merry Hell, Nastee Chapel, and Steve van Niekerk and his sister - their song Innuendo stuck in my mind as epic, and, in my imagination, reminded me of Renaissance or even Nightwish. Egan Stonier played a memorable solo violin piece which used a looper, and many more, all excellent. I regret not noting all of the names on the night to assemble an exhaustive list!

I performed Robot, and Excessive Consumption, and Deb and I as an un-costumed Fall in Green performed Clown Face, Dead Hand, and for the first time 'Did I Request Thee, Victor, To Mould Me Man'. We got home at 11:30, more elated now than tired. I fell asleep after midnight to be, would you believe it, woken again by barking at 3:30am, staying awake until 7am as before, then woken again by barking at 8:30! Two nights with barely 3 hours of sleep each! I dislike dogs at the best of times. Dog people tend to be controlling, cat people tend to be sympathetic. Leonardo da Vinci was a cat person. Adoph Hitler was a dog person - though to the latter's credit he did poison his dog. I must add the caveat that I have several nice friends with dogs.

The resulting morning of dull-headed tiredness shot by. I released Flatspace IIk and prepared for my meeting, scheduled for that afternoon, with Matthew Plant the choir master of my old school, St. Mary's. He has a few ambitions and visions, and an enthusiasm which chimes with my own. I have a few little jobs for him which seem within my capabilities, and I'm looking forward to working with him.

My few weeks of game programming are at a close. I must now charge at art, so must form a clear plan. My performance of Excessive Consumption was under-rehearsed and full of mistakes, though the audience liked it to the extent of singing along! I want to record it.