Monday, January 08, 2024

Gun Storming

A full day of Gunstorm updates. Some take along time for slow or little result, some are faster. The game now has a hi-res font with all characters, and better lives and spider-bomb indicators. I've removed the now irrelevant graphics options, and all demo modes. I fixed one bug with the random numbers; this was an engine bug which wasn't in the game before the 'upgrade'.

Two aspects of gameplay have changed. First the enemies will appear when an old one is killed as in the new Roton remaster - this much improves the game, makes it more exciting. I've also set the maximum game speed to 200%, rather than 100%, which makes basic Gunstorm more fun. I'll increase the speed on Asteroids I think, as this game is a bit too easy; I managed to get to level 15 with ease. I'll also increase the automatic firing rate to stop the incessant clicking.

Mike Drew came round to drop off two faulty Zoom recorders. One has a faulty on switch, definitely corroded, as a contact cleaner fixes it, but only for a time, and a firm press in certain ways seems to work, but most presses don't seem to work. The tiny switch is welded onto the tiny circuit board, so an ideal fix of a replacement switch isn't easy. I haven't looked at the second device yet.

He shared some of him music. He needs to record more, store more, file more!