Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Excessive Consumption Has Laxative Effects

A sleepless night. My recent programming phase is nearing an end, but there's a trail of things to do afterwards with these works. Still awaiting confirmations, testing and various Steam approvals. Made two changes last night: a bug-fix to Flatspace spotted by Andrew, and a fix to Gunstorm II and the achievements which didn't trigger. I'll probably set back its release to give the first Gunstorm game time to create traction.

A tired day today. I'll move back to music, and sheet music I think. Some jobs are done in the hope of money, like these games, like new books, or other things I might sell. Paintings or music generally are more 'artistic'. They will probably sell (or create income) eventually, but there's no shop or direct way to earn, so they are a medium to long term investment. Thirdly there are jobs like my sheet music or updating my game engine; hard work yet completely fruitless in even the medium term, yet likely to be of benefit in the centuries after my death! Life isn't really geared to reward people for this sort of long-termism.

I played some keyboard today, to one of Mike's songs, and sent him the results. My repairs on his Zoom recorder seems to have worked. It might work better now than it ever did, as the back of the power switch seemed to be mangled, defective in its manufacture from the start.

There's an open-mic event tonight which Deb and I will attend to see what it's like. I've written a few songs recently. Here's one inspired by the notice on many confections now that 'Excessive consumption has laxative effects' - due to the sorbitol. My song is largely in one note and comes alive for the chorus. I wrote many drafts of lyrics, many scenarios, here initially inspired by an early Father Ted episode about enduring sitting silently in a room with a visitor; but the key part is the tension which is ever present and explodes in the chorus. Musically it's trivial, 4 chords and barely melodic. I may record this, and may perform it tonight.

The living room
The frozen cheese plant
The awkward silence
With her, and her
The clock is ticking
So very loudly
So very slowly
There's no escape

Excessive consumption has laxative effects
That's what the sign said
t-t-t-time will tell

They want to kill me
Or want to love me
The door is closed
The air is close, and waiting
I'm under pressure
To be accomodating
We pray together
Through silent gritted teeth!

Excessive consumption has laxative effects
That's what the sign said
t-t-t-time will tell

Excessive consumption (laxative effects)
Excessive consumption (laxative effects)
Excessive consumption (laxative effects)
Excessive consumption (laxative effects)

t-t-t-time will tell