A slower day yesterday. I researched art postage costs (nearly £700 to post a crated painting to the USA), attended to finances and practiced piano for 30 short minutes (and researched and mentally practiced sight reading for longer); plus preparations for the illustrations for Deb's new book, including (at last) a comprehensive comparison of the different scanner settings.
Today I charged into those illustrations, and have completed 28 ink drawings, plus 5 or 6 failed attempts that were discarded as I went. Some are better than others, as ever, and I always try to have a mix of styles, scales, subjects. The work of cataloguing and scanning them will take at least a day, maybe longer as there are so many. I'll do that tomorrow, before Deb sees them, as it will save time to do so. All were drawn, as ever, with a Leonardt Hiro No. 41 nib and Quink Ink. I used an SY-85 brush at times for bigger areas of black. I bought this very SY-85 from Alexander Paper Supplies many year ago (well over a decade) only because it had the same name as my Yamaha synthesizer(!) but it's been a brilliant brush, and still as good now as when new. I've bought lots of other sizes of SY-85 since.
Also yesterday and today, launches of two Steam products; a new Sound Pack for SFXEngine, and a new Expansion Pack for Radioactive.