Saturday, February 22, 2025

Scores Updated

The mammoth job of updating all of the published music scores is complete. Some took a lot longer than others. There are still a few inconsistencies. For example, I decided to name 'Saw Synthesizer' instruments 'Synth Saw', with 'Saw.' as the short name, but the short name is sometimes 'Ssw.'. Before now, there was little consistency, such that you'd really need to know the music to know what timbre to pick. The new versions are better in that way any many more.

After all of the changes, and new text descriptions formatted in HTML for itch pages, and new 'screenshots'; there was still a lot of admin to do. I had to ensure that all versions were the same, both filed with the album and in the master score archive. I have an xcopy command which runs via a spreadsheet which will auto-update the albums from that archive, but in this case I've been working on the album copies, because I list them album by album, not all in one lump. Well, all I can say is that it was a lot of work.

In most cases, prior to this update, not a single person downloaded any of the scores. I've made these $10 now. Perhaps if someone wanted a copy, they may pay $10, and it's certainly a little sum if an ensemble ever wanted to perform any, which I'm sure will happen one day, though perhaps in centuries, perhaps beyond my life and the life of Well, either way, these are too important, and too much work, to be free.

I've now scored 21 of the 40 albums. I hope to write more new music though, scoring at least one old album for each new one, so it's perhaps not halfway yet.

My throat has been very sore all day, and now, as evening hits, it is less-so but I'm starting to feel weary and feverish; but this virus seems to be very mild. The worst aspect is that it stops me from seeing dear Deborah.