Completed the illustrations for Deb's new book today. A few works needed reworking a little, and two redrawing. They vary in size and style, from small objects which can be used several times, to full-page drawings. There are about 20 of the latter, there are a lot here.
The lower one is a complex portrait of Sartre and (and somewhat unflattering fragment of) Simone, with bees and honey too...
At the end, the very last act, I managed to spill my entire new and full bottle of Quink ink! These are flat heavy bottles, I still don't know how I did it, but I was at least lucky to have no drawings nearby. This was a blow though. The paper and the ink bought for this project nearly come to £40. I've ordered new ink, a different make this time, to see if it will be better than Quink.
The afternoon was spent scanning, preparing and cataloguing the work. I began at 1pm and it took until 5pm to complete this, almost as long as all of the drawing itself (and I numbered and documented them yesterday). The scans need storing twice, once in normal neutral format, and once cropped, sized and balanced for inclusion in the book. I also need to resize and convert everything for my website, but that can be for a future day.
A final act of the day was to install and test MuseScore4, which it probably better than version 3. There is very little difference, and 4 is certainly worse for a non-widescreen monitor, but it's generally good practice to use the latest version of any software.
Monthly backups tomorrow. I feel tired and need a new project to attack.