A slow day of tiredness, perhaps due to my cold, perhaps a necessary time to recharge after several busy days. I updated Prometheus a little, to v3.56. The few changes included adding a feature to automatically extend the maximum song size if loading a song that needed more room; and I switched off error messages during batch conversion.
Then, a first walk outside in a few days, to meet Deborah in the park. It was nice to see the sun after what seems like an endless winter, but nicer to see my beloved.
When I got back I painstakingly slowly played the first 13 piano bars of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 1. This is my first ever play of Beethoven's actual sheet music. If something like this can be played slowly but correctly, then it's a simply matter of doing it again and again to play it quickly and correctly. The process took about 3 hours and I can still barely do it. I will keep practising, just these 13 bars, for fun, and to learn.
These bars are not that complex. If it were my own music, I could do it in a blink, but it is more complex than mine. I can match it, I can see what he's doing with every note, and why. Until this year I've never thought about composing like that before. This is what all of this scoring, and this sheet music, has given me. Matching it and playing live - that would be a challenge. Oh for the time, the money, the incentive to compose such a thing.
Then I updated all of the Prometheus sequences which used the Bounce Arpeggiator, 23 or so. Perhaps tomorrow I can work on something new. My throat and chest still feel rather raw and tickly, and I feel a tad tired; that's the extent of this annoying cold.