More long, long tedious work on the scores today. In the afternoon, after completing the last 'Encounter With the Believers', 'Stroking The Harp' and the Awakening Sonata, I thought I'd completed all 9 tracks in draft, but realised that the first one, 'There Is No Love...', was a first, unused version. I wrote that piece first, but later made a second edit and dramatically changed the structure, and ultimately used that version. If only I'd checked that first!
All of this music is difficult and complex to score. It feels like a student exercise and I feel a little overwhelmed with it, spotting errors and things to fix - this is good, it shows progress, but it does mean that things are taking far longer than I'd hoped. Still, my only major task for the month is this, as planned. The program changes to Prometheus are brilliant.
Mr Tarplee commented that I could perhaps use AI for these. It would be a long time before AI was sophisticated enough to do this. Take the arpeggios for example. These are best played as a root note on a synthesiser with the arpeggio programmed. No way would an AI think of that, it would perhaps score each note, but in this case that's not as useful. For this reason, my main score to 'Loneliness And Divine Love' has just the root note, and a separate score with the arpeggios to program. I have, however, also made a full score with each note.
I hope I don't waste too much time on this, but for me it is partly a matter of growth into a new skill too. One day, these scores might be all that remains of the music. On that day, this work becomes priceless.