Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marius and Stockport

A slow day yesterday but jobs were done; completing more artwork for the album. Now 8 pages of 600dpi images are done, but I think it would be a good idea to make more art, perhaps one image per album track, perhaps more. This must be a new total artwork. I have many ideas.

The main job was spending a good few hours creating a new YouTube channel for Oldfield 1, and putting basic music videos there rather than the Cornutopia Music channel. This made me lament that most of my old music doesn't have videos as such, although most albums have a few key tracks on YouTube with simple still-type videos. The ideal is that these have videos too, but the thought of revisiting old albums and spending weeks making new videos for the material make me shudder; yet this is something I should have done from the outset. The songs for The End And The Beginning, still a great album, really needed videos from the start. If only I'd have committed to that, as I did with Gunstorm.

The problem with new videos to old music is that people might think the music is new or confuse it with new music. Are either of these bad things? Perhaps new videos need to be made in chronological order of the tracks, or perhaps in quality order, from the best tracks to worst, so that at least the best music has videos?

Which music am I most proud of, that needs the most video attention? Perhaps The End And The Beginning songs, and perhaps the newer work, like Cycles & Shadows, and Music Of Poetic Objects, if only because that music represents my current direction.

The New York ArtSwarm has premiered and I've decided that this is will be last year/season for this format. After that, I'll showcase the occasional single video, or live performance piece.

Today I visited the Stockport Open Art Exhibition opening, and spoke at length with John Keane. The art has mixes of good and bad in beauty and imagination. We both liked Harvest Festival in Japan by Ryuji Goto.