Friday, July 12, 2019

Marius Fate and New York City

Marius Fate is born! Took some photos yesterday for the various feeds and publicity etc. A fun occasion. It made me think that everyone has multiple personalities and persons inside them at all times, and that it can be more efficient to name and separate these than not. My music output is so wide ranging that my Spotify playlist, for example, is loaded with ancient electronic music that is nothing like the music I make now, and certainly not like these strange pop songs, so a new artist, and character is essential.

My main task for today was to make a video and music piece for ArtSwarm on the theme of New York. I thought that a Philip Glass homage would be ideal, and made a simple cyclic melody with some deep, descending bass strings, all very Koyaanisqatsi. I wanted a point of switch or drama, so added a pause with some radio fizz, and then the music breaks its pattern, moving away from serial minimalism and disintegrating into a series of random notes generated by the computer based on the probability of the previous notes; so this is a step beyond, a disintegration of order into chaos. The pause is, of course, 9/11.

For the video I found some P.D. stock footage of an old documentary about New York City and simply speeded it up, with a few simple edits to match the pause with an appropriate part of the film. It works remarkably well, even more like Koyaanisqatsi, yet made in a few hours.

Tomorrow, more work on the album. I'm still unhappy with a few tracks; more vocal takes to get the feeling as right as I can. The job seems endless and I'm anxious to get it finished; of course I still have all of the artwork, publicity, and so many other things to work on too. I rarely indulge in any publicity. I'm well aware of my obscurity. I don't want to waste too much valuable creative genius working as an ad man, a typist, a secretary, unless I absolutely have to.

My aim is that Marius will perform live at the ArtsFest in All Saints' Church this October, if not before then.