Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Anguish of Perfectionism

Framing today and yesterday, a difficult, at times seemingly insurmountable, task that was far more difficult than it should be, and all ultimately caused by Covid-19 and the fact that I can't access a certain, distant, artwork.

The incident caused me to play the piano in a state of anguish and I improvised a rather nice tune in G minor and Gb major. I pressed record before playing, as I often do, so managed to capture it. At the soleful end of this beautiful melody of anguish and love, rather than pressing the red Record button to stop recording, I pressed the red Power button by accident, and so lost it forever. This summed up the past two days so perfectly that this story is practically an artwork in itself. So, I hereby relate what I can of it to the world.

After losing the piano tune, I recorded another, which was similar in mood, and named it 'The Anguish of Perfectionism', so I will add that to my YouTube channel at some point.

Apart from the framing job, it's been a slow day today. I listened to Radio 3 and a talk about Vivaldi, then to some music by Le Monte Young, a very interesting artist, then watched a David Lynch film, and Episode 5 of Twin Peaks, so certainly absorbed a lot of art; the power of unmeditiation. My stomach has been very bad so I hardly eaten. I've started to take Vitamin B12 supplements this week, and this does seem to revive my energy levels. After a lifetime of semi-allergies and intolerances to almost everything, and upset stomachs almost every day for 20 years, I would absolutely expect pernicious anaemia to affect me.

This evening one job I've tackled is creating some 'noise' for videos, static, dots, flicker, specks... that sort of thing. All of the effects are created from plain white noise, resizing and de-sizing, and the levels command. This can create a vast variety of noise from zebra-stripe type lines that flicker and dance, to horizontal TV-style bands. This is a small, fun job, creating a possible future palette of effects.