Friday, July 31, 2020

Argus 3D

A night of spontaneous stomach twitches again, bah. A good day of work though, I managed to program the 3D display for the Costumes/3D objects in Argus:

These can be rotated too, the points scaled, or translated, and faces 'flipped' (inverted). I also carefully textured and designed the primitives that can be selected as standard objects. I imagine that the planes will be used almost exclusively, but I've created 12 objects: Plane, Two-Sided Plane (objects are one sided for speed, polygons that print anti-clockwise are not printed), Cube, Anti-Cube - an anti-cube is a box with only the inside walls visible. This might be useful for a 'room' or other backdrop. The textures here are wrapped on all four walls though, so I'm unsure how useful it might be. This is a 'flipped' cube, so might not be needed now that I've added the flip option.

I've also created a few spheres, two anti-spheres (these might be useful for backgrounds), and finally a Tetrahedron and Icosahedron which are textured in triangles rather than squares. Perhaps these would be useful for particle effects.

It's really hot today, but this house is cool. The Covid-19 news is bad, and, looking at the world, it's getting worse everywhere. It's amazing how complacent people here are, so many people ignoring distancing. I've not seen Deb inside since March, and at times it feels like we are the only ones being cautious and obeying the guidance. At least today, our decisions feel vindicated. I'm amazed that anyone would want to go on a foreign holiday this year or next. I'm also amazed that Japan delayed the Tokyo Olympics by a mere year when 4 years seems far more reasonable. If anything, I expect things will be worse next summer.