Friday, October 29, 2021

Secret Electric Sorcery Music Continues

A steady music day. Finalised Be My Jesus, a simple song with growing layers, and drama in the production. I also finally completed the writing for Eyes of Pity. I had thought of some sort of diversion for the middle part. The music feels so natural here that I'm unsure if a musical change would help, but I have added one distraction, a second sample from The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, which, in its odd way, unifies the album a bit more. I also added some electric guitar parts and a kazoo solo at the end, which sounds so morose that it works remarkably well. It is hard to control, perhaps if it were easier to control the kazoo could be a blues instrument par-excellence.

Then I worked out the music for Out of Date, which has a lot of chords; 8 different ones in the first two verses. Currently the last verse leads into the same chords as the second verse but continues an upward climb and the first D-Major chord of the song, to resolve in a comfortable sounding, yet oddly surprising G, considering most of the song resolves to C-Major or A-minor. This song needs some carving before I work on its epic production, which will be in the style of a French ballad, Edith Piaf, or one of Scott Walker's Brel epics.

I also resurrected an old song called Incomplete Version of the Writer. I've recorded it once before but since deleted it. The key was not right for my voice, so I will respell it, and refine everything. I've changed as a producer and performer so much since the first version that everything will need to be re-done. I thought of this because one of my principles is to put things on here that it would be tragic to lose; songs that should be heard.

Perhaps 60% of the album is complete now. By this rate, I should finish by 2022, which is too slow for my liking, but each artwork needs its proper time.