Monday, July 18, 2022

Heat, Salome Masks, Lexx

An intense day, knowing that it would be the hottest day ever recorded in modern Britain.

I had to collect my paintings from the Bunbury exhibition, and we did this as early as possible. The Bird Orbiting A Black Hole frame was quite badly damaged, the painting had clearly been dropped and the pine dented. This was such s disappointment, as I'd put so much hard work into this frame. Simply though it was, it was probably the finest frame I've ever made.

After this I wanted to avoid any computer work, and I couldn't paint as the extreme heat would mean keeping the windows closed, so I decided to make plaster (Sculptamold and plaster bandage) models for the Salome event. Deb stayed with me all day to do this, a special treat. The work was very intense and difficult. I used a core of newspaper wrapped with garden wire.

In the evening we watched the first episode, the first film, of Lexx, the first time I'd seen it since its only showing on Channel 5 in the 1990s.