Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Man On The Edge On Emotion, All The World Will Be Your Enemy

Completed the underpainting yesterday to Man On The Edge On Emotion:

I'm unsure how much needs adding or refining in a glaze layer. The painting has a lot in it, many psychological elements and emotions. I thought that the violet figure looked like death, holding or desiring the the woman in green, life. Love and death, longing and remembrance seem to be the key emotions here; decay, but also rebirth. The landscape has skull elements, but, there seem to be some elements of hope, seeds of something special, too.

Today I prepared work for submission to the Stockport Open on Friday, and made a public call for poets for the Salomé Event.

In the afternoon I started painting again, a work originally called Mama Mia, Here I Go Again, but which I later retitled All The World Will Be Your Enemy; I love the latter title, it seems to match and evoke a history, a comparison with the Cheshire countryside, childhood, reminiscence, like Elgar's Cello Concerto. The painting oozes Elgarness.

It's a smooth MDF panel, a most lovely of surfaces, but with challenges due to time pressure. I have a piano lesson tomorrow so must try to complete this in a few hours before it becomes too dry.

Today's light also thwarted me, it became so dark at 4pm that I needed to use my lights.