Thursday, July 14, 2022

Macc Piano

A lovely day today. A productive morning; printing some 'flyer' things for the Salome event to hand out in Macc, putting up a blind for the small window which involved hacksawing it to size - even then it only took 25 minutes. I've become adept at putting up roller blinds. Also, some piano practice and working out some arrangements for the Salomé event in Congleton with Mike Drew. It will be a free vent with donations. Mike offered to put on some free refreshments, perhaps and probably off his own back, he's a rare treasure.

Then, a trip to Macclesfield to play the public pianos. There are three, including a former and now broken and sad one outside the Heritage Centre. Many keys lock down when pressed - but can be raised again with force. Effectively they can be played once. I thought that I could compose something unique for it, where a note can be played only once in the composition. Deb and I arrived at 3pm and I played there first:

Then to the bus station to play more. There were more people there, some first applause. A woman entered and commented that I could be heard all down the street and was entrancing the passers-by, some came in just to listen. I played Cycles III, and much of the Salome pieces, but never as good as I wanted. By the end I was just getting into it... I remain in awe of performance pianists.

Then a trip to the Macc Art Lounge to meet Ché, so nice to catch up. I was sad that the visit was so fleeting. I needed to play again and did so in the Market:

Simon Brown, chef and photographer, filmed me and we chatted a little. He helps at the Button Warehouse and reminded us of the Open Mic events there. I miss the Mash days, and the ArtSwarm Live events. We need a local venue!

Then a nice drink and meet-up with Peter. Everyone today felt friendly, was friendly. We are in the turbulent tail of a pandemic, great social and economic woes, political turmoil, struggling public services, and a distant war amidst many global problems. Perhaps these events make people care more for each other and for the simpler things, or perhaps this summer day, not too hot, simply idyllic, hits us at the right time.

How I love the piano, as I do oil painting. I must play more, compose more, and paint more, perform more, do more of everything.