Saturday, November 05, 2022

More Scores

Another constant day of scoring. I started the day by finishing off the last section of Cycles I. It may take two or three days per track there. Extrapolating this would equate to a year to score everything, too long! But perhaps I will, over many long hours, manage it. Of course, there is no immediate need for any of this. Perhaps it would be better in the long term to forget about them, and only score new or future works, yet, there is also the element of legacy.

In an effort to be more productive today, I moved onto The End And The Beginning, and have scored out My Motorbike, Like A Ragdoll Falls, Frost, Calling Mister Wilson, Coma, and Challenger. Some were more work than others. For My Motorbike I included the rhythm guitars and the full solo, perhaps overkill, but I'm trying to include a good 'full' score for everything, choosing the most important parts, and creating simpler, alternative versions too. Calling Mister Wilson includes the 'Imagine' style pianos, and most of the central orchestral part in the middle, but simplified for piano and placing the flute sound in the bass. This makes it much easier to add any 'full' score later. In almost every case I'm sticking 100% to the recording patterns, even the somewhat tedious and repetitive Challenger, which included 5 staves: piano, ESQ-1 synth part, sine parts, string chords, and bass.

I can't waste a valuable year of life on these now! I've now completed Gunstorm and the Lou Salome scores in full. Perhaps I can complete The End And The Beginning and a new album, Remembrance Service or Heart Of Snow, then make new music. Cycles, The Anatomy Of Emotions, and Music of Poetic Objects will be the most complex and difficult scores, as these are played rather than sequenced, but I expect Cycles and Anatomy to be the most difficult as these were my earliest. Most of Anatomy is done, but there were three or four pieces there that were improvised with no score at all.

This constant, grinding work is causing me great stress, and my stomach was in pain all night. Today I've hardly eaten.