Friday, November 25, 2022

Plugin Coding

More programming today, updating the 120 or so plugins for the new 10-octave, and memory efficient, Prometheus. One new thing I hadn't foreseen was that many plugins use (or can use) more temporary variables for the 6-channel version compared to the 2-channel (stereo) version. The old versions (that is every version of the program up until now!) simply used the maximum, but now I could selectively compile the separate 2/6 channel versions to use just the amount of space they require.

I can't resist making this efficiency, so am slowly updating each plugin with #defines and #ifdef statements to enable this. The filters and reverbs in particular are cases in point. Filters filter each channel separately, so can save a 4 floats for every unused channel, and reverbs use all sorts of things; many delays and many filters.

Still, at the moment, I have about 60 plugins complete. It feels so good to make things neat and efficient and nice. I'm a natural organiser.

Peter came for his piano lesson too, we covered and revised some chords, among other things.