Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Sheet Musicing, Kate Middleton Leaves

A full and happy day.

Started work on the notation of The Anatomy of Emotions music, which is slightly difficult as it exists as MIDI sequences of very expressive tempi, so any form of auto-conversion isn't possible. I managed to notate The Dance, Memory, and Starscape. Until now, these, some of my earliest notations, were there primarily as an aide memoir for live performing, but I did flesh them out to reflect the full piece. Yet - there were still a few differences between these and the actual recorded versions. The Starscape score didn't have the right ending, and for live scores I tend to expand any repeats; I find them confusing. I also keep everything in the C-Major key, don't use octave jumps (8va etc.), change clefs, and a few other things that differ between written scores.

After those three (there are more to do) I started on Gunstorm, mainly as a test of my MIDI export/import and how well everything notates. I have designed Prometheus to export MIDI partly for this exact reason, even including notation options like how many types of note per beats are exported, so I expected it to work well, and it worked wonderfully. I managed to export Gunstorm and included the bass line:

Then did the same for Deflexion, using four tracks including the Theremin. Given these good results, I expect I could notate an album of songs in 2 or 3 days. The lyrics are a little time consuming, and MuseScore annoyed me by not recognising two tied notes as one for syllable reasons, but this is a minor issue.

Some new 'archival' CDs arrived, and new cases, and I expect the Salome CDs tomorrow too.

Then, trip in this cold and torrential rain (I object to neither, the night rain is so beautiful, and being cold and wet is easily offset by the delight of becoming warm and dry inside). I said a fond goodbye to the Kate Middleton painting in its new home: