Monday, November 07, 2022

The End And The Beginning Scores, Auto Scoring Ideas

A full day yesterday, up from 6am working on the scores from The End And The Beginning. All were done by 6pm. Much of the challenge is working out elegant repeats. Take, this for example:

An unusual example of multiple 'volta'. The score ends with the solo and a 'D.C. al Fine', and so the score ends at Fine correctly, complete with the solo (which is on page 2!)

Each work had its own repeat challenges, some more annoying or complex than others. Nineteen Eighty Five was among the more complex as the chord change in first part of the third verse is different from the others, and then the chorus repeats twice rather than once. It seems tantalisingly close to fitting, but not quite. Open Your Eyes, by comparison, can fit everything on one page.

Today, a nice meal (I didn't eat) and meeting with Ché and some other Macc Art Lounge artists.

I also started work on the Heart Of Snow scores. The first track has challenges, but a score with many instruments including the original flutes and viola sounds lovely already. The hard part is the freeform piano solo, as ever. I've got the idea of making a tick track where I manually play the beat along with the tune, then code something into Prometheus to 'regiment' these haphazard timings into one-per beat. That should make the scoring of MIDI sequences with irregular timing possible with more ease that working though them note by note. It might be tricky, however.