Friday, January 13, 2023

Song Progress

Great and full day today. Wok early and recorded vocals for Go To Bed And Miss Me, Autumn's Shadow, and again for Tycho Brahe. Go To Bed is fun, though I don't have a plan of what to do with the song. The close backing harmonies work particularly well and I expect I'll use their technique in other tracks. The many backing vocals needed at least 4 layers, so this took a lot of time alone.

I'm still learning and growing in vocal production and singing. I noted today, with some glee that when adding the difficult solitary vocals to Autumn's Shadow that they fitted rather well, and that the synth flute stood out as the worst part of that song... I haven't got a real flute. Even the synth flute is better than none, it's melody is important.

I also started the composition and sequencing for a final(?) Golden Age song called The Myth of Zurbaran, about a painter dying in poverty on the street. I'd heard of this fate applied to Zurbaran (via Dali perhaps?) but Wikipedia has burst the bubble of this story, so the song becomes a myth. The music is interesting and words are rather touching, however, so I'll include the song. Musically, the verses fall in semitones, a bit like the old 'What Goes Up' song, but also with shades of that 'Lunatics' song by Pink Floyd.

The chords cycle oddly, and I had (or have...) trouble getting back to the verse which starts in C-Major, but the 'chorus' (if you could call it that) explodes effortlessly into B-Major and F#-Major, so I have the idea of shifting back to C using G# as an intermediary. The sketch for the backing is, so far, piano and strings in the style of Calling Mister Wilson.

I'm feeling much more myself; positive, even joyous today. The difference an early morning and a day to sing can make.