Thursday, October 19, 2023

Christmas Album Progress, and EQ Redesign

Lots of admin work today on the Christmas Album project. The first hour or so was spent trying to get my camera to connect to the computer with a wireless set-up. Everything said yes, that it was connected and working - yet, nothing. The same with the secondary Bluetooth connection: not detected. I prefer using cables for this reason but it still makes the process slower than it should be.

Then, an album page was set up on Bandcamp, setting the album on pre-sale. Deb in her infinite kindness instantly bought the first copy and I created a public accounts page to track each sale and the total earned. Then I contacted the artists with the page update, a reminder about next week's cover design day, and prepared to share the artist and track details bit by bit on social media. I must start that soon.

By about 3:30pm, all of this was complete. Then, I got back to working on my 10-band EQ, and revisited the concept of a rank of band-pass filters, but now with the low and high shelves, the results were good to the effect that I think I've finally completed this time consuming project. It will take lots of testing. One crucial part was to make the filters apply in series.

Here are some comparisons between my EQ vs. the Sony plug-in. Here's +6dB at 900 an 1800hz:

Mine has more of a camel-hump, but not much, and perhaps this is better as it will give smoother results over a long space. The peaks are at the exact frequencies specified. Sony's applies a general gain between the former and next frequency band. Here's a more complex pattern; a -6dB dip and two +12dB climbs:

The most stark difference is this complex layout. +3dB at 225hz, -6dB at 450hz, +6dB at 900hz, a -infinity at 7200hz, and -infinity at -15000hz. Here's the Sony plug-in:

Hardly -infinity, and a few odd bumps, such as at 800hz and 1100hz or so. Here's mine:

The 7200hz fall is a stark 'spike' due to the band pass, though one could say it's correct, even if the frequencies near it are touched less. At the top end though, it works much better.

I have some tweaking to do to the gains I think, but it seems to work.

Now I have 3 days away in Bristol before I charge into a busy next week. I need to launch the new SFXEngine update on Tuesday, an IndieSFX sale on Wednesday, the album cover creation workshop on Thursday, and the big We Robot launch day on Friday; and through all of this I need to record my Christmas song vocals and completely finish it. To be ready for a potential single release it needs to be done before November 1st.