Wednesday, October 04, 2023

EQ, Testing The Delicates Scores, Christmas Song

A busy day yet, as ever, so little done!

Still, I tweaked the complex EQ programming first, adding a feature to externally compare two lists of numbers, allowing a track to be balanced without having to re-render it.

Currently I'm using an external EQ plug-in during mastering for the adjustments, but I'd like to program my own... this may take time however. My trace uses an array of band-pass filters. The easiest EQ would use those, these are relatively easy, and give a hill-shaped dome to the zone of balancing, which may be desirable, may not. The plug-in I'm using seems to use low and high pass filters to create more of a 'block' or bar-graph shape to the EQ zone. The advantage here is that the steps of the EQ look/are more like the actual sliders on the EQ setting, though I'd have imagined that a smoother graph would be more desirable here. Well, this is for a future time. After 21 years I'm still adding features.

Then, the tedious but important work notating my music, now for Testing The Delicates. All of the albums with hand-played piano will take the longest. After this, the other FIG albums, and Music for Poetic Objects may take longest. This one is particularly difficult at times. I managed 4 scores today, but there are 23 tracks on this album.

In between, I wrote a song for the forthcoming Christmas album. It's simple musically and in chord terms, perhaps too simple... but sometimes simple is good. The lyrics mix startling surrealistic humour and a tinge of sadness. I may write several songs and pick the best. This one, for me, was a test in matching rhythm to words and melody.

In other news, my first audiobook, The Intangible Man and Other Strange Tales, was approved and went on sale today. Deb kindly bought the first copy.