Sunday, October 01, 2023

October Backups

The first of a month, and a quarter, so a day for quarterly backups, and these have taken most of the day. Other things like accounts, monthly goals, reviews, checks on bills and various things that I do each quarter are done too.

My night was sleepless and full of energy. At one point I had the idea of putting together a charity Christmas record, and will make some casual enquiries about this. Time is short, it would be difficult, but I like to be pushed and work best when extremely busy.

The evening has been spent writing articles and promotions for We Robot. The Cycles remaster is just about finished but I'll hold off release until 2024. I don't want it to appear to be a new release, or for it to usurp We Robot. I can quite see why some remastered albums include the date or '(Remastered xxxx)' afterwards, but I'm unsure if I want to do that...